Connecting People


#hex puts the magic of being at an event back into reality.

Events Organiser Zee West, plans to use #hex to boost networking, communication and direct marketing activities at her events.

Working with startups and brands for almost 10 years, it is in my experience rare to come across something as ground-breaking as #hexology, because it is on track to take ‘Events’ to the next level.

Networking is important!

At The Future Crowd we’ve been running two events every month for the past 6 years in London, New York and San Francisco. We work with small tech startups and large brands, occasionally I meet people who hunt me down to thank me because they met someone at one of our events and won a contract or got a new job. Feedback like this makes all the hard work worthwhile.

Our aim is to give speakers a forum, bring panelists together for debate, give creators an opportunity to make their flash pitch and organise demo tables for makers to show-off their stuff. Anything we can do to empower people to interact and share more about who they are and what they do is ‘incredibly’ valuable. We’ve been looking for new ways to give our events a competitive edge, build-in new pathways for people to share and connect around ideas, so that dreams become real – and I know #hex will be it!

Our 17K people on Meetup will soon be able to explore the joy of this new form of communication and instant creativity. Perhaps you are an aspiring entrepreneur who wants to get your story out, or you have just run out of time whilst trying to get a speakers business card after an event, #hex is the perfect solution!!!

Rather than networking through an app – #hex puts the magic of networking back into reality. Now everyone can share their business card and even a video, with anyone who is nearby!

At our Meetups, I’ll be using #hex to share a greeting for people to pick up when they arrive, including twitter names, links to facebook pages and any websites I want them to explore. It’s a way for us to talk about the speakers, share any presentations and other related materials that might be of interest. #hex enables a conversation to take place with the people around me in the room, whether I know them or not, and by asking them to leave a message in my #hex the conversation updates for everyone.

#hexology highlights a distinction between the richness of interaction that takes place between people in a room as opposed to any information published online, and when people start to understand this then that will become an incentive for them to come and participate in our events, rather than follow material online.

At conferences, #hex is the ultimate speed networking tool I imagine, simply walking through a room will enable me to pick up everyones business card, and I can quickly decide who I want to talk to and what I will say. In the event that I receive a message through #hex then I know that it’s happening right here and now in real-time, and that kind of spontaneity is magical!!

#hex is the simplest way to meet and greet people at an event, as an organiser I am in control of the information I want to share, and #hex is so flexible I can refresh the content with new material at every event I do. I don’t need the internet or any administrator support, all I need to do is install the #hexology app. I see it working successfully for startups and creatives, brands at large events, festivals and trade shows, so nobody misses valuable information about their headlining work.

#hex is so powerful I can’t wait to get mine!

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First Impressions Count

First Impressions Count

Hexology takes the experience of meeting people for the first time to a completely new level. Post your digital media into the world.

Smarter Networking

Smarter Networking

"What I do is so much harder to explain than to show, that’s why I love #hexology." Stuntman, Performer, Actor, Writer...

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