Intrigue & adventure awaits those who enter the hidden web, sign up online and the story begins with an email from a mysterious friend. Showcasing an early stage prototype app from the Brighton-based startup Hexology, ‘The Hidden Web’ is an immersive fiction that gives you a glimpse into a new kind of location-based interaction design, that is being developed by this pioneering startup technology company.
Staged in a space that exists between the digital world and the physical world, you may discover the Hidden Web in a coffee cup, postcard, monument or park bench. Free to play, it will run throughout the duration of the festival and can be experienced anytime, although you should expect unscheduled appearances.
Simply, locate the clues hidden around Brighton & Hove, solve the puzzle and uncover a secret that will change the way you see the world forever!
hexology is a free app, once installed you’re ready to go!
Participation in Brighton Digital Festival has been fun. The launch page received over 500 hits on the day that the Festival guide was published. Over a hundred people signed up in the week leading up to the launch and that number increased steadily, to more than 200 throughout the four week duration of the event.

@unlockhiddenweb and a Facebook page was created to tell the story of Jude Leck, and on the first day that the Festival started we published this Film.
Clues were hidden around Brighton & Hove, using hexology to access the hidden content, players were tasked with the mission of solving the puzzle to locate the clue that triggered promotion to the next level in the story.

Interest in the event spread when we announced that we were giving away a hex Beacon as a prize, to those that found the clue.

And when we started to name the winners in our You Tube films, The Hidden Web really started to take off.

Congratulations to, Cathy Frankland, Paul Saunders, Bionic & Katie Piatt, who solved the clues and have all won a hex Beacon. Special mention to Katie Piatt who wrote my favourite tweet:

The Hidden Web has been fun and a great way for us to Beta Test hex-app in a real-world trial. Only a couple of things outstanding:
- Bionic, can you please get in touch?
- Wolsam where are you? I bet you thought he was fiction.
- Jude Leck says, “I’ll be back!”