Using #hex Beacon as a cryptocurrency hardware wallet is one of many ideas we’ve nurtured, and so is a plan to introduce our own digital currency.
Born out of the simple realisation that #hex opens a window into your digital world, and in that moment of discovery when people are connecting with you and your content, what if they could literally buy that t-shirt, artwork, product or service, right there and then in real-time, without having to touch or scan a thing.
Simplifying the process of discovering and making contact with people around you sets up the perfect moment to buy and sell content in a secure and frictionless way. For #hexology users, an integrated wallet inside our free app enables them to
- transform any location into their own personal point of sale
- make sales without the need to carry a bundle of cash
- streamline every transaction into a seamless experience.
The #hexal Token is another First for #hexology, the app that empowers you to bring your digital media into the #physicalworld and share it with people around you, we aim to launch the #hexal token on the Stellar Blockchain. It’s a development that enables #hexology users to buy and sell content in real-time and space whenever anyone comes into proximity, and a user scenario might go like this:
An individual sets up a pop-up shop and uses #hex to share information that features images of the items they have on sale to people passing by. The shopping experience starts with a media rich notification that pops-up inside the #hexology app, which guides them to a landing page where they have an option to buy an item in #hexal tokens, and the purchase is done with a click of a button, without the need to touch or scan a thing.
Empowering people to send and receive #hexal tokens via a wallet inside our free app, #hexology represents a completely new shopping experience. Built on top of the trusted Stellar Blockchain, people will be able to add, send, receive and withdraw money from their wallet, in a similar way to any other digital banking app.
#hexology takes contactless payment to a whole new level, there is no card, or thing I have to touch or scan, with #hexology a buyer is able to make a purchase simply by being in proximity of the seller. And this is the thing, how you use the #hexal token is completely up to you, use it to sell products, a service, or to unlock content or an experiences inside the app. What’s more, the Stellar Blockchain has a built in exchange that allows #hexal token holders to cash in their token and withdraw it in any currency, including US Dollars.
Our belief and expectation is that eventually, cryptocurrency will become as mainstream and ubiquitous as USB, a trend evidenced by the growing presence of contactless payment systems or apps that enable you to make purchases through a smartphone.
Immersive Media Platform
#hexology empowers XR Content Creators to publish, distribute and charge to view or participate in Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality content, our free app has been been built from the ground up to share immersive experiences.
Web Portal
To give people an ability to login, create, manage and analyse their account, we aim to build a portal that will be accessible via a desktop web browser. We’re imagining a powerful environment for content creators, developers and innovators to interact.
Software Development Kit
Enabling our community to
- integrate the #hexal Wallet into other eco-systems,
- build the #hex Beacon into their own systems and apps,
- empower immersive content creators to create custom experiences inside the #hexology app
- enable the community to extend the scope of the platform by adding their own plugins and extensions, we plan to produce a Software Development Kit that gives innovators and developers the tools and support needed to realise their vision.
Triggered by forces and events which we anticipate will occur at strategic points on our roadmap we expect a marketplace for innovators, developers and content creators will emerge. #hexology will in the early stages curate introductions between cryptocurrency holders and in this respect, we intend to nurture the development of the community by creating a framework for people to interact.
An introduction to #hexology typically starts with a conversation about the user experience and how #hex Beacon enables people to bring their digital media into the physical world. It’s a story which has now been expanded to include a design that empowers people to buy and sell content, products and services in real-time and space, via a secure digital currency that embraces the freedom to lead a truly mobile digital life.